こちらは初音ミクねんどろいどになります新品未使用品です宜しくお願い致します値下げ不可新品新品新品カテゴリーゲームおもちゃグッズフィギュアゲームキャラクターブランドグッドスマイル 交換リクエストが処理される順序は時間に基づいています。
こちらは初音ミク 15th Anniversary ver. ねんどろいどになります。
What I would like to convey to overseas customers
1. Brand new! First come, first served!
2. Popular item! Special price for a limited time!
3. Limited edition! Only a few left!
4. Excellent condition! Gently 新品!
5. First come, first served! Don't miss out!
6. Limited time sale!
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8. Popular item at a great price!
9. Excellent condition! Barely 新品!
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13. Highly rated classic product!
14. Cleaned and sanitized!
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16. Popular brand item!
17. No noticeable scratches or stains!
18. Easy to use! Highly recommended!
19. Bulk purchase discount available!
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25. Rare item! Only available now!
26. Briefly 新品! Almost new!
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